Thanks for the hard work at the Sapporo Short Fest!
The movie festival is still going on though (*^ー^*)
I’m so happy to be able to attend something like an international movie festival,which is just nothing short of amazing.
Watching the debut showing of “A bed ~ Hatachi no Koi” with everyone …
When the film “Takako” that I starred in ended,I was just overwhelmed with all kinds of emotions,and tears started to roll down my cheek.
The first time that the customers got to watch the movie.
After that,the producer,the director and all the cast of the movie came out to discuss about it.
Since this is the first time I’m at such a place doing such a thing,I don’t know what is appropriate to say…
but nonetheless,I said out my true feelings about the movie (・∪・*)
Although I had only spent 2 days with my fellow colleagues that’s around my age,
I can already deduce that all of them love plays and dramas a lot!
They were discussing about this movie even during their break time!
I won’t lose out to anyone as well!
When it comes to love for plays and dramas!
For today’s discussion,questions like “Why did we want to make this movie?” and “Why did you chose these actors/actresses?”.
Hearing those questions got me to think deeply for a moment.
At least now I can look at myself properly.
As for why I was chosen … I’m sure there’s a reason for it!
There might be a reason behind it,but I still can’t find out what that is right now.
Until I find that answer,I won’t stop doing plays and dramas ~
And what if I found the answer??
I’ll think about that when that day comes (・∪・*)
My first movie festival … I received all kinds of motivation from it.
From now on,I’ll continue to do my best as an actress!
I don’t think I’ll forgot the things that happened today (。・ω・)ノ゛
This is quite a long entry,
so those of you who took the time to read everything,thank you so much (。・∀・。)ノ
The person beside me in the photo is also called “Erina-chan” (●´∀`●)
We look like sisters right? (*´艸`)